Anyone can start an OnlyFans that makes money. Seriously.

Some of you can even generate enough money from your OnlyFans account to quit your job.

Don't believe me?

My OnlyFans account gets over 12,000 fans annually and generates more than $400,000+ in revenue.

Above is an example of a 30-day earning period from this past month. I earned $44,000 in one month!

I started from scratch just like you. But after over a year of trial and error, I've finally figured out the secret to running a successful OnlyFans account that makes money.

You can avoid these mistakes and earn profit much quicker by following the blueprint outlined in this guide.

Your 1-minute quick start cheat sheet

Looking for a fast-track guide to get things going ASAP? In this section, we won't cover everything, only the essential steps.

Everything is covered in far more detail later, so jump down whenever you want.

Before you start, it's important to understand the principles behind starting an Onlyfans account.

1) Pick a niche. Be sure to pick a niche that's big enough to have a strong audience. Yet, small enough for your to stand out.

2) Do what you enjoy. If you don't enjoy it, it's not sustainable! Figure out how you like to express yourself and stick to it.

3) You must stand out. Go above and beyond. There are so many creators doing unoriginal shit and getting average results. Branching off from everyone else in your niche will help you stand out!

4) Content isn't king unless it's good. Creating content without intention isn't good enough. It won't perform well and you'll waste a lot of time doing it.

5) Consistency will make or break you. Don't start an OnlyFans account unless you're willing to be consistent. Not just for a few weeks, but I'm talking several months and even years.

6) Fans want connection, otherwise they'd watch porn. Porn is free these days, so fans aren't only here for the sexy stuff. Create with this in mind!

7) It's not all about you. Cultivate a memorable experience for your fans. At the end of the day, they ARE the ones paying.

8) Never rely on 1 traffic channel. Once you figure out how to make one traffic source work for you, start working on the next.

9) Have multiple monetization strategies. You'll make more money.

10) Ask questions. Ask your audience what they enjoy and what they want to see next. This increases your chance of creating AMAZING performing content.

11) You can't set it and forget it. As your content gets outdated, people will get bored. Find new ways to get creative and spice things up.

12) Be willing to pay the price. To have success, you must prepare to invest both time and energy. And if you can't, then you'll have to invest financially. If you don't, then chances are you won't get far. No matter how brilliant of a creator or marketer you are.

Now that you have a feel for starting your OF journey, let's break it down into actionable steps so you can be on your way to making money.

Devise a plan

Before creating your account, let's get some ideas flowing, shall we?

We want to figure out three things:

  • What's your niche?
  • What type of content do you want to sell?
  • How much time can you invest?

While plans are subject to change and evolve, I think it's important to have one.

This plan will guide you in your early days and help to cut-down overthinking.

Niche exploring

Niche. Niche. Niche.


There are literally millions of hot babes on OF. Being a random baddie is less likely to work on its own (especially if you don't have a large following).

You need to have some pizzaz to go with the sauce, ya feel?

Something to make you stand out.

As you niche down, the competition gets less stiff. Plus your audience gets more targeted.

It's a win-win.

Tips to figure out your niche:

  1. What are you interested in?
  2. Do you have a career field you can niche into?
  3. Are you an expert in any specific subject?
  4. What are some unique talents you have?
  5. Do you have a certain uniqueness to your look?

These are a few questions you can ask yourself to help find your niche.

Write down your answers and choose 1-2 that speaks to you.

Then, try to find other creators in that niche to see how effective it can be. This can also give you perfect inspo for content, boo-yah.

If you're still unsure about finding your niche, I made an in-depth, niche-exploring guide!

Bonus tip: When niching, your insecurities and perceived weaknesses can actually be STRENGTHS. Anything that helps you stand out can help. I've seen creators with disabilities, deformities, and more do amazing on OnlyFans. So stop trying to fit-in...STAND OUT!

What type of content to sell?

Time to tackle the elephant in the room.

Decide what content YOU want to make. More importantly, how explicit your content will be.

When I started, I only did suggestive content and lewds.

Of course, there are more limitations when you approach it this way. But, by no means does it mean you can't make moolah.

You just have to market well and be creative with your content.

I was able to make $5,000/month by myself with non-nude content.

Here's exactly how I did it.

But at the end of the day, most of the fans are looking for that spicy, spicyness.

So be ready for those requests — trust me, they'll come.

...Usually with unsolicited dick pics. But that's besides the point.

This is a marathon, not a sprint.

Do what's comfortable for you because that's what matters most!

You can always move the goal post if you become more comfortable or want to.

Some examples of content you can create are:

  • Jerk-off-instruction (JOI)
  • Striptease videos
  • Sexting scripts
  • GFE videos
  • Roleplay JOI
  • Partner content (b/g, g/g, etc.)
  • Solo masturbation
  • Nude bundles
  • Lingerie try-on hauls
  • Shower videos

The list goes on and on!

Start with content you enjoy making to avoid burn-out.

How much time can you invest?

This is critical to be real about.

Building a successful OF page is no different than building a business.

In fact, it is building a business. So, be very honest with yourself about how much time you have.

If you're someone who has limited time, you'll want to focus on content that you can create fast.

For both OF and social media.

If you're someone who has a lot of time, you can focus on diversifying your content and trying new things. This can also come in the form of marketing.

More time means you're able to post to many different marketing channels. You can also create lots of differing OF content.

If you don't have much time...

That's okay! You can absolutely create a successful OF presence even with side-hustle hours.

This just means you need to be far more decisive with your approach.

Think of it like this:

Each day, you wake up with a full 100 bars of energy. For someone who has all day and all night to invest into this, they have more energy bars to experiment with.

They can put 50 into content, 20 into Reddit, 20 into Instagram, and so on and so forth.

If you're someone who already has a full-time job, that's going to sap majority of your precious 100 bars of energy.


Which means, you may only have 30-40 energy bars remaining when you get home from work each day. Maybe even less.

If you try to spread those energy bars too many ways, you'll spread it too thin to see any meaningful progress.

The best thing to do it this:

  • Muster up the remaining energy you have.
  • Channel it straight into OF content and one marketing channel.
  • Experiment strategies until you find the formula that works.

Doing the basics well, can get your account to take off!

So, for those of you who are tight on time, focus on 1-2 things max.

Focus on it until you gain the skills to do it feel competent.

An optimized OF page and a single good traffic source can provide you with thousands of dollars!

Utilizing many distribution channels are a function of scale. You don't need it to start.

I talk about that here, how I made $10k/month using only Instagram for traffic...while having a full time corporate career! (CROSS LINK).

Creating your OnlyFans Account

Finally getting to the good stuff!

To set up your OnlyFans account you'll need to submit:

  • A photo ID
  • Your real, full name
  • Social media
  • Bank account info

They use this information for verification and it's not linked to your accounts.

Linking your personal social media can help you get verified faster!

Sometimes OnlyFans can be finicky when it comes to verification.

Don't be surprised if they reject your submissions.

I had to submit 4 times to get it approved (facepalm).

If this is happening to you, I created this (CROSS LINK) post with some solutions I've tried!

Free vs paid page

Hmmmmm, decisions.

I'm going to do my best to break down the pros and cons to both.

Free page

Let's start off by talking about free pages. Personally, I have a free page that averages $35k/month.

The pros to free pages:

  • It's easier to gain subscribers.
  • You can price higher.
  • You don't owe as many benefits to keep fans subscribed.
  • Works well as a funnel to a paid page.

The cons to free pages:

  • You get no money from subscriptions.
  • No recurring revenue.
  • You will have more inactive subscribers.
  • You will have more time-wasters.

When it comes to paid pages, I have friends in the top 0.5% that I've brainstormed with to uncover the main pros and cons.

The pros to paid pages:

  • You make money from each subscription.
  • Recurring revenue from subscriptions.
  • Higher buying conversions.

The cons to paid pages:

  • Harder to gain subscribers.
  • Must focus on fan experience more.
  • Must have benefits for the fans to stay subscribed.

Which is right for you?

I have no bias at all when it comes to free vs paid.

I've seen both work.

The reason I made my page free, is because I'm a full-time nurse and didn't know how much time I could commit to OnlyFans.

So, I didn't want my subs to expect much from me. A free subscription made me feel less pressure.

In turn, it led to a much bigger audience than I could've expected.

If you optimize your page and your content is quality, there are methods to get high conversions.

On the flip side, paid pages work great too!

I have many peers who have paid pages that are equally — if not more successful than my free page.

It comes down to what fits your vision for your page. Weigh the pros and cons to decide which is more attractive to you.

Neither one is right or wrong!

Once you pick one, stick to it. It's easy to think the grass is greener on the other side when things get tough.

But the grass is green where you water it. So nurture your account, be intentional, and watch it grow into a beautiful money tree!

How to create a bad ass profile setup

Here are the steps to get you a dreamy profile page!

Profile pic

It's time to pull out the big guns for this.

We want a profile picture that gets attention.

How we can achieve this:

  1. Choose a safe-for-work (SFW) picture that has performed well on social media.
  2. Choose an image that's colorful and POPS!
  3. Make sure the image has good quality.

The last thing we want is to have a profile picture that's dull and blurry.

Color attracts the human eye. It also spikes dopamine in our brains.

Don't believe me?

Try turning your phone display to black/white and you'll notice how much less appealing it is to scroll.

We want to trigger dopamine with our profile pictures.

For the banner, be sure to use either:

  • A high quality landscape photo of you laying down (or in a horizontal position).
  • A series of your best 4-5 pictures knitted together

Test out either one and see which ones bring the best conversions for you!

The same quality control concepts apply.

Make sure the images are your best ones, high-quality, and full of color.

Create a magical bio

Bio's are underrated AF.

I know so many creators who treat their bio like it's an afterthought that has no impact.

My opinion is the exact opposite.

Let's say you have the world's best profile pic and banner.

If you pair that with a terrible bio, it won't matter.

A bad bio can completely ruin your chances at high conversions.

Kinda like when you match with a cutie on bumble and their first message is "wyd?"


Jokes aside, these fans are on your page because they already found you attractive. The bio acts as a solidifier to get them to subscribe.

The three principles I follow for an effective bio are:

  1. Each line makes the viewer want to read the next line.
  2. Reflects the persona you're going for.
  3. Call to action.

Get them to read the next line

We want the viewer to invest time into reading our bio.

The more time they invest, the more focused they are on the idea of subscribing.

So each line's job is simply to get them to read the next one.

Example: "You found my secret page, welcome! But beware..."

This is just an example. But by adding that little bit at the end, they're more likely to read further.

This is a timeless strategy in copywriting that's used for advertising!

Our bio only needs to be between 5-10 lines so we want to make each sentence count.

Cohesive persona in bio

Finding your niche is important, and keeping that same vibe in our bio is just as important.

For me, I started out as a non-nude model so I wanted to portray the wholesome, silly girlfriend experience. I'm also quite a bubbly person so I wanted my profile to reflect that.

If I were to make a highly-sexualized bio, it wouldn't match the image I portray in my marketing.

So, figure out what that image is for you, and make a bio that matches.

Call to action

You may be missing out on buyers because you're not telling the subscriber what to do next.

It seems mad simple, and it is. But seriously, forgetting to tell them what to do next is going to result in lost fans.

This is why every ad, commercial, YouTube video, etc. always tells you:

  • Buy now
  • Book a call here
  • Call this number
  • Subscribe to my channel
  • Like this video

...and much more.

In your case, this would be a call to action to DM you.

Inserting this at the end of your bio gives the fan an actionable step towards a favorable behavior.

Set up a welcome message

A welcome message is an automated message that gets sent to fans when they subscribe to your page.

I set up my welcome message using what I call AVA.

A = Appreciation

V = Value

A = Ask


We are speaking to people who just subscribed to our page.

So, let's show them how much we appreciate them for doing that.

ESPECIALLY if it's a paid subscription.

I do this even though my account is free for them to join.

Some examples of this can be:

  • Thank you so much for joining my page!
  • I appreciate your support so much 💗
  • Thanks for subscribing! Your support means the world to me.

Figure out your own version and give it a try!


A lot of people like to offer a PPV immediately in their welcome message.

If that's working well for you, great! You should keep doing it.

For me, I tried this at the start of my journey. While I did get some buys, the conversion rate was very low on the welcome message PPV.

Low enough that I was willing to sacrifice that revenue to help me stand out.

So now, I don't offer a PPV in my opener. I do the opposite.

I send a small bundle of free content and use it as leverage to play off the first line of appreciation.

Note: This free bundle isn't anything I would sell in PPVs. It's SFW lingerie pics at most. Since my page is free, I don't want to be sending anything I'd be selling for PPVs.

But, if you're a paid page, it might make sense to send something you think is worth the dollar amount they paid to join.

Tip: Expect there to be freeloaders who take the free content and never buy anything. So, choose to offer content that you're chill with someone having, for free.

How to acknowledge this in text:

  • I wanted to give you some free content to show my appreciation for you.
  • Here's some free content as a lil' thank you for joining.
  • I want you to have this free bundle so you know how much I appreciate you.

This plays on the law of reciprocity.

The law of reciprocity means:

"When someone does something for you, you feel obligated to reciprocate or do something in return for them."

Sooooo, by giving this lil' freebie up front...

They'll be more likely to buy later because they feel like they owe you.

You will get the occasional freeloaders who take it and run.

But, this tactic has helped me cultivate better rapport off the bat with my fans.


I like to finish my welcome message with an ask.

This increases the likelihood of the fan sending a message!

Some questions you can finish your message with:

  • Tell me what you think? (Of the free bundle).
  • Tell me your name?
  • What should I call you?
  • Tell me something about yourself?
  • How did you find me?

Be creative with it!

I like to keep it short and sweet because it comes off more genuine.

I don't think fans want to read a bible length text as soon as they subscribe.

Short and sweet to entice, yet leave them wanting more.

BONUS: If you want to go above and beyond, there's a way to showcase your personality to further stand out.

Create an introduction VIDEO.

This isn't a sexy video. It's a video highlighting your personality and uniqueness.

You can talk about yourself, be silly, laugh, joke, etc. to breed comfortability with your fans.

I have a full template explaining the strategic structure, how long each segment can be, and other ideas! I'll personally send it to your email in hope that it helps give you some inspo.

Populate your feed

Social proof is significant.

When I buy products, I want to see that there are good reviews.

No reviews at all are a red flag.

I think the same holds true for your profile page. When a user lands on your profile, all they can see is the amount of media (images and video), likes, and fans (if you turn this on).

If it's zeros across the board, that doesn't look great.

The account seems inactive.

Here are two steps you can take to improve this:

  • Turn off public fan count.
  • Post daily to your wall (with call-to-actions).

How to turn off public fan count

Go to your profile and click edit profile.

Then, click privacy and safety.

From there, you'll have an array of options to toggle.

You can turn off the fan count by turning off the "Show fans count on your profile" button.

Posting daily media to your wall

Your wall is a feed of posts you create to attract engagement from the fans.

It's very much like a Twitter or Instagram feed.

I like to add media to all my posts so that my media count grows over time and my account seems very active to prospects.

I've found that posts with media do far better for engagement than ones without as well.

You can also add quizzes, polls, fundraisers, and more!

Your wall can become a real asset if you use it strategically.

If you're brand-new and starting out, get in the groove of posting to the wall daily.

Include captions with call to actions such as:

  • Best comment wins free content.
  • If this get's (number of likes) I'll do (blank).

This will get your posts more likes and comments which helps your page get established. It also ranks your posts higher on the fan's main wall.

You can even post several times per day if you're up to it!

Posting frequently is not only for building up engagement stats. It also puts you on fan's walls more often to get their attention.

This can lead to more interactions and sales.


At this point, our entire profile is set up and ready to receive traffic!

Marketing now becomes one of the most important things in your journey.

We need marketing to drive fans to our pages.

There are all types of ways to get traffic such as:

...and more.

Before you get overwhelmed, let's focus on one to start.

When I first got started, Instagram was my main squeeze.

I was able to achieve $10k/month with Instagram only. I had about 10k followers at the time.

I think it's best to take a look at the big four (IG, Tiktok, Twitter, Reddit) first.

Based on your style, how much time you have, and what interests you the most, pick one to start.

Track your results using tracking links.

This will help you track results and make pivots as needed.

There's enough traffic on any given platform to thrive on.

Don't get caught up in trying to do it all at once. Focus is key.

Spend dedicated hours on making one strong channel for traffic before moving to the next.

Monetization strategies

Plan? Check.

Profile setup? Check.

Traffic? Check.

Monetization? Let's talk about it!

In my opinion, this is right up there with traffic for importance.

An optimal monetization strategy can be the difference between success and failure.

Here are the main ways you can monetize:

  • Mass message PPVs
  • Wallpost PPVs
  • Sexting
  • Custom requests
  • Live streaming

Mass messaging

When I first started out, most of my earnings came through mass messages.

This is sending your content in a message that goes to all your subscribers at once.

The more often you can send these out, the more sales you'll get.

However, it's not as simple as that.

The copywriting is critical to getting sale conversions.

Recycling content is also key to maximizing earnings for every piece of content you make!

It takes attention to detail and great organization — but it increased my mass message earnings by over double when I optimized it.


Sexting can be time-consuming, but has a massive ROI (if done right).

It's far less convenient than sending a mass message, so why bother?

Well, the difference is in the intimacy.

Think of mass messages as a flame-thrower trying to hit everything in sight.

Sexting is the sniper.

Since the fan is talking to you in real-time, you can provide an experience.

Let's be real, these guys are going to be jerking off — which involves so much more emotion. This makes it far easier to sell.

When you're starving, it's easy for the nearest restaurant to get you to buy.

Same concept applies here.

You can create sexting scripts sell for several times as much as your mass message content!

I've had a script sell for up to $1000 in a single session. And the fan was happy about it.

That's an extreme case, of course.

But on average, my sexting scripts sell for 2-4 times the amount I charge for mass messages.

If you want to check out my sexting script process, I'll send it to your email!

Custom requests

You'll get plenty of custom requests.

Some will be simple, some will be weird.

Don't ever feel bad for turning them down. It's important to have your boundaries and stick to them!

Only accept customs that you're comfortable with doing.

Make sure to have them tip for the custom FIRST, before creating the content.

Custom requests pricing

Since customs can be quite unique, it can be hard to figure out what to charge.

For a good while, I looked at other creator's profiles to figure out what they were charging so I could make make my prices similar.

But I actually don't think this is the best way to do it.

Everyone's content, time restraints, and audience is unique. So basing your pricing off what others are doing doesn't make logical sense to me.

How I determined my custom requests pricing is as follows:

I'm a full-time nurse so I have limited time to create OF content.


I figured out what my best and worst performing mass messages were making on average.

I also tracked the time it took for me to make these pieces of content.

I realized that I could make 2-3 minute videos that could sell for thousands of dollars in a single mass message.

So, accepting $30 for a custom dick rating video wasn't worth it for me.

At least for the mass message I could resell it again and again in the future.

So these days I only accept customs for $250+ and even higher if they want their name dropped.

The $250 price tag came from my average lower performing mass messages.

You can go through this process yourself to figure out how to value your custom prices!

If I had more time, I'd consider accepting lower prices. But even then, it's hard to not spend that time making more mass messages for a higher ROI.


I'm by no means the queen of livestreaming because I only do it every so often. Probably once per month at most.

However, I've been able to average about $1,000 for each livestream I've done.

I'll be talking about the different tactics I use to make my livestreams successful.

We can break it up into three ingredients:

  1. Promotion
  2. Have a plan
  3. Execution


If you don't promote your livestream days in advance, it's going to be hard to attract a crowd.

I like to start promoting my livestream at least a week in advance!

I also will set up a poll the week before, to figure out what times my fans are free to view a livestream. Based on the results, I'll set a day and time.

This gives the best chance at having the biggest audience possible.

To promote my lives, I release wall posts that include:

  1. Time/date of my livestream.
  2. What I'll be doing on the livestream.
  3. Call to action.

I'll release 2-4 of these leading up to the event!

I try to build up as much hype as possible to get my fans excited. Besides, I must excite them enough to block out time in their schedule to join my livestream.

Have a plan

I always have a plan going into my livestreams.

Some creators can just go in there and be entertaining, but I always make more when I have a plan.

I'll plan three main things:

  1. The theme of the live.
  2. Tip goals.
  3. Plan-B.

I explain each one of these concepts in detail in this post here. (CROSS LINK)


I think managing expectations is so important when starting your OF journey.

Many people think that everyone gets instantly rich when they do OF.

But that couldn't be further from the truth! The average OnlyFans creator makes less than $200/month.

But, those numbers are simply the average.

We aren't average, we're extraordinary!

Those numbers would be way higher if it only included the creators who:

  • Never give up
  • Keep making adjustments
  • Track results
  • Invest in their business
  • Stay disciplined

...and do the actions of a successful OF creator day in and day out.

Don't compare yourself to others, either!

Everyone has their own time horizon. Focus on what you can control.

All in all

OnlyFans is still a valid path to earning money.

With the right plan and execution, you can 100% be successful!

Despite the "saturated" nature of this industry.

I aim to be here with you, every step of the way.

I appreciate you for taking the time to read this post! I truly hope it's helped you in one way or another.

You got this,

Mama OF

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