We all know we're supposed to post to 10+ subreddits per day.

But it's so tedious and annoying, right?

And what about our own wall? Is it too "spammy-looking" to have 10+ of the exact same piece of content in a row?

What if I told you, there's a way to do all this posting in less than 20 minutes per day and reduces the spammy vibes?

Welp, there is. And we're gonna talk about it.

If you haven't read my full guide on Reddit marketing for OnlyFans creators, check it out!

Efficient Reddit posting system

How to post without spammy vibes

Spammy is subjective. Of course, the best way to not look spammy at all is to have unique content all the time.

But, we all have lives to live.

So, this is the protocol I've followed to reduce the spammy vibes while also recycling content!

Step 1: Create enough content for 1 post per day in each subreddit.

Let's use 20 as an example. You plan to post to 20 subreddits per day. So, make 20 pieces of content.

Step 2: Put them in a folder for Reddit posting ONLY.

Step 3: Post one unique piece of content in each subreddit, each day. So, you're not posting content 1 in all 20 subreddits the first day.

Instead, you're posting all 20 pieces of content across all 20 subreddits the first day.

On day 2, you'll start by posting content 2 in subreddit 1 and continue going down the list.

You're rotating the same 20 pieces of content over the next 20 days, to 20 different subreddits.

By the end of those 20 days, all the subreddits will have seen the same 20 pieces of content.

But, your wall will have the illusion of more variety.

And thus, appear less spammy.

Now to be perfectly clear, this is a vanity thing! It likely doesn't produce a life-changing difference in results.

This is only if you care about your wall appearing spammy.

Now, let's talk about how to do this process FAST.

How to post FAST

If you're new to all this and still in the testing phase, choose 10-15 subreddits you want to start with.

If you're a veteran in this game and already know your 10-15 best subreddits, stick with those.

This process is the same for both situations. The difference is that new creators need to swap out subreddits weekly, to test.

The setup goes like this:

Step 1: Open up a browser (I use an anti-detect browser)

Step 2: Open up 10-15 tabs (whatever # of groups you plan to post to).

Step 3: Open up the singular subreddit you plan to post to in each tab.

Step 4: When you're ready, create a new post. You don't have to wait for your content to download before moving to the next.

Step 5: Rinse and repeat!

With this setup, you'll have all browsers opened each time you're ready to post. You'll save time by not having to exit out of each group and find the next one.

Aim to do this around the same time each day to avoid posting too much in the same subreddit for a given timeframe.

Final thoughts

This setup works for any browser and can save you a lot of time!

Posting can be tedious. Having a set system that makes it more efficient is key.

Any time I'm able to make processes easier to do, it becomes easier to be consistent.

And as we all know, consistency is key!

Tell me about your Reddit hacks below!

Always remember...

You got this,

Mama OF

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