This guide is going to explain the ins and outs of Reddit marketing for fellow OnlyFans creators. :)

If you’re new to all this, I aim to make this guide a beacon of light to take your marketing wishes to the heavens (and beyond).

Let's dig into it, shall we?

What is reddit?

Reddit is a platform that’s built upon tons and tons of small, tightly-knit communities.

These communities are subreddits! The users in these communities all share a passion for a certain subject. These subreddits are where you'll be posting your content to.

Easy enough, right?

The beautiful thing about Reddit is as follows:

You're encouraged to post your lovely content to the exact audience you're looking for!

There are subreddits beyond your wildest imagination. When I say there are subreddits for everything... I mean EVERYTHING.

Even your own insecurities may be a subreddit.

For me, let's just say I don't have the biggest milkers in the world (yes, I'm a member of the itty bitty titty committee).

Low and behold...


Glad I could get that off my chest. Get it?

TLDR: Reddit is a pre-assembled, niched-down audience ready for you to show your special stuff to.


Go into your Reddit journey with a game plan.

The more unique you are in your marketing, the better your results will be.

You'll find subreddits for different body parts, occupations, body shapes, and more. So, think about what features you have that will make you stand out amongst the rest!

For example, I work as a Registered Nurse. I use it to further niche down and I've found that my nurse content outperforms my generic, sexy content by far.

You can also have multiple niches and test them out to see what performs the best.

I'm also a workout junkie so I post in the fit girl subreddits with some success, too.

Figure out what niche you fit into and have fun with it!

If you want the EXACT framework I used to figure out my niches, read my niche-exploring guide!

Bonus: Ethnicity-based subreddits are also HUGE. Use those to your advantage. <3

Account creation

Buckle up, we’re getting into the good stuff.

Finally. I know.

It all starts with account creation. It’s important to have a calculated approach when it comes to curating an effective profile.

Reddit profile page optimization

  1. I think it's good to pick a name that’s close to your OF username to create brand familiarity.
  2. Use a profile picture instead of an avatar. Avatars are cute, I hear ya. But people don’t relate to avatars, people relate to people. Make the photo that you use, one that you KNOW people like. I’m talkin' 'bout your best performers, your cream of the crop, your #1 all-time photo for likes and engagement!
  3. Add a bio that’s short and sweet! For me, I’ve found that over-doing the bio doesn’t lead to more subscribers. Keeping it short, witty, and sweet often gets me the best results. Don’t feel the need to oversell yourself either. Show your personality to give them a glimpse of who you are.
  4. Create strategic pinned posts that do three things. Show what you're offering, show your personality, and prove your legitimacy. I follow this format:
  • One post focused on your OnlyFans offer
  • One post that has examples of your content
  • One post that proves your reddit account is legit (hold a verification paper that has your username on it)

Now pin all 3 to your wall.

Spend time on the headlines of your pinned posts. The headline often makes or breaks whether the user engages with it. The goal of the headline is to get the viewer to read the next line — or in this case, click on the post.

When it comes to setting up your profile page, this is not the time to rush.

You only need to create this page one time and it'll aid in getting you more subscribers than you know what to do with.

Get the idea? Cool.

If you want further details and examples of this...

I made this post to explain in depth on all five steps to help you craft the Reddit profile of your dreams!

Now that you have your profile locked and loaded, let's get into the exciting part:


Before posting, beware...

Before you start posting your content, there are a few things to note.


Seems simple! And it is simple.

It's more time-consuming, but it's crucial for your success on the platform.

Most subreddits have rules that you must follow. They post them in a column on the right side of the page, or in the top pinned post.

As subreddits get larger in size, they tend to put these rules in place to a much stricter degree. So keep that in mind.

These groups have moderators (aka mods), who make up the rules and oversee the content you submit.

These moderators make the decision to push your content to the community feed or not.


  • Follow the rules
  • Post content that follows the rules
  • Post content that you think makes the community better


  • Skip the rules
  • Post content that is irrelevant to the community
  • Post low-quality content

Consequences of not following the rules

By not following the rules, the consequences can be as small as a slap on the wrist or as brutal as a permanent ban.

To me, some of these subreddits are quite harsh... but then again, I don't make the rules.

So it's better to take the time to be safe than sorry!

But let's be honest... can you say you're a spicy content creator if you've never got banned at least once? :)

Hehe, jokes aside. Follow the rules.

#2 Get Verified

I won't sugar coat it, verifications are a pain in the ass.

But they're also critical for you to post on most subreddits.


Because the mods need proof that you are who you say you are.

This is beneficial for everyone because it stops weirdos from impersonating you. It also improves the quality control systems.

This is for the integrity of the subreddits, that's all!

Each subreddit explains their verification rules in 2 common places:

  1. In a column on the right-hand side of the page.
  2. In a pinned post.

Some subreddits also allow verification through other subreddits in their network.

Meaning, when you get verified in one, you're allowed to post in all the groups they affiliate with!

One of subreddits that does this is r/LetsVerify, so check them out!

Another is the r/GoneMild community. They'll accept one verification for access to their entire network.

Other things to think about

Even though you follow the rules and get verified, communities can still reject you.

How annoying, right?

Most times, the bigger subreddits have account age and karma requirements.

Account age requirements

Subreddits have account age requirements because they want to be sure you're a legit user.

They want to see a track record of posts to prove that you're worthy of their community.

So if you've started from scratch, you'll need to post to smaller groups and build some history.

I aimed for groups that were less than 50k members to start (with the occasional post to bigger groups).

If you have 2+ months of history, you'll be able to meet this need for most groups!

Karma requirements

Karma requirements are another quality control thing.

Communities want to see that other people enjoy your content by seeing a certain number of karma.

This comes in the form of both post and comment karma.

I've found that 1,000 post karma and 100-200 comment karma will get you in the door most of the time!

Being consistent with posts and commenting will build these up for you.

How to find subreddits

Let’s start with finding these subreddits.

There are two ways I found subreddits for myself — websites and reverse engineering.

I've also found some great spreadsheets that I'll share below! is one of the websites I use to find subreddits for my niches.

This site is super easy to use! It features search function as well as a filter for popular niches in the NSFW space.

It showcases all subreddits that have over 1000 users and also shows the activity per day (how many posts). is an excellent site that's designed for both NSFW and SFW subreddits.

It categorizes them by recent activity, subscribers, and growth.

This site is great to get started!

For me, it's much slower to find all the subreddits for your particular niche compared to

Honorable mentions

I only needed those two resources (plus one sneaky method I'll explain later) to get my Reddit booming!

But, I recently stumbled upon the Reddit guide from Let me tell you, she had a couple subreddit finders that I didn't know about (but I wish I did).

BTW, follow u/getspicymoney on reddit as well for great advice! She's a GODDESS.

So I researched a couple of them and decided to add them to the honorable mention list below!

The subreddit library

This is a spreadsheet of subreddits made for SFW and NSFW sex workers.

I actually wish I had found this earlier because it is very helpful!

They add in some details that are subjective, yet helpful such as:

  • Rude mods
  • High ban chance
  • Unsafe environment
  • No commercial accounts
  • Not for amateur models
  • Extra notes.

These details are great to have in mind when posting and I will be looking into using this more for myself as well!

List of subreddits by u/nudegeminiOF

This list of subreddits is fantastic! Shoutout to u/nudegeminiOF on reddit. If you're reading this, you're the real MVP.

Not only is this list comprehensive, but it's also updated and improved which is awesome.

This list includes tons of niches while also providing vital information such as:

  • Allowances of OnlyFans links and watermarks
  • Posting allowance
  • Verification needed
  • Account age
  • Karma requirements
  • Extra notes

Be sure to check this out, you'll LOVE IT!

A sneaky way to find subreddits...

Scouring lists for the best subreddits is a great strategy. But, every superhero needs a sidekick.

Here's the sidekick I used to build up my reddit account to make up 25% of my traffic.

Reverse engineer

The simplest way to thrive on reddit and find subreddits that will pay dividends for you is as follows:

  1. Join the subreddits in your niche.
  2. Filter for the top posts of the month, year, and all-time.
  3. Find accounts that perform well. (Super important: look for creators who have a similar aesthetic to you)
  4. Visit their profile posting activity and see all the subreddits they post to on a frequent basis.

Notice how many they post to, the frequency, and the time they post at.

You should also consider the type of content they're posting and consider doing the same.

That's it.

Now you have subreddits that you can start to experiment on with your content!

My experimentation strategy

Once I found the subreddits related to my niche, I started posting in the small groups (20-50k members).

Plus, I did my best to be as consistent as possible.

I started by posting to 15-20 targeted subreddits per day.

I know that sounds like a lot, and it is.

But you don't have to do that many to start! Posting to even 5-10 per day is enough to get data that will guide you in the right direction.

Phase 1: Testing

I'm an impatient girly. There I said it.

When I started, I focused first on posting to 15-20 subreddits per day to get as fast of a feedback loop as I could.

Since time is finite, I posted to the subreddits that weren’t super particular on poses, clothing, etc.

I wanted the ability to batch similar content (that's easy to make) that could be applicable to many groups.

My philosophy for phase 1 of this process is that volume is king.


The more volume you’re able to post, the sooner you'll have a feedback loop.

This feedback loop gives you insight on:

  • Where you should be posting
  • What types of posts do well for you
  • The best time of day to post

What's most important in this process is creating a system that you enjoy. This allows for consistency, and consistency always compounds.

It's far better to do 10 post per day for months, rather than 30 per day and burn out after 3 days.

I stayed in this testing phase for about 3-4 weeks. Then, I felt like I had a solid grasp on what type of content and which subreddits were performing well.

Now, the game becomes less experimentation, and becomes more about...drumroll...


Phase 2: Execution

Now that I figured out where, when, and what to post, it was a matter of being consistent with those posts.

Every day, I would post to 15-20 of my best subreddits. Simple as that.

Using this EXACT setup, I could do this in less than 20 minutes per day — without my feed looking spammy.

I know you’re waiting for the secret sauce and advanced tactics that make Reddit one of my best traffic sources. But to tell you the truth, 80% of the results comes from doing the basics REALLY WELL.

*Optional: To set this up to be more time efficient in the future, I did this in Multilogin.

Multilogin is an anti-detect browser. This browser allows your to login from the same IP address no matter where you're located.

My thought process behind this is as follows:

  1. Posting is annoying.
  2. I don't enjoy it.
  3. BUT... it's necessary and effective.

So perhaps, I don't NEED to be the one doing it everyday.

Yep, exactly.

My plan was to create a setup that's friendly toward hiring an assistant to help me post.

This is more of a cautionary approach so that my Reddit account doesn't show logins from all over the place. It also allows me to hand an assistant the login to the browser, but not to my reddit profile.

I'll personally email you the exact setup system I use here, if you're interested!


For captions, I sort the subreddit for the hot posts of the month and take the captions that killed it.

For some subreddits, they allow captions that provoke replies. In those, it's a good idea to do so.

Those can spike more engagement in your post and boost it in the algorithm.

But for many subreddits, they have rules that don't allow those types of captions. So I usually don't bother.

But, there may be certain types of captions that outperform for your posts. If that’s the case, you should create more of those!

All in all

Reddit can be a valuable traffic source for your spicy page (boo-ya).

Without Reddit, I would be losing out on thousands of dollars per month!

It's important to track your results and make pivots when you notice trends.

Everyone's experience is going to be different and that's okay. So never compare yourself to others and make sure you have fun with it!

To recap, the 3 most important practices are:

  • Proper setup of your Reddit profile page
  • Consistent posting
  • Creating engaging content to your audience

I'd love to hear how your Reddit journey is going! Feel free to reach out to me with any questions, comments, or concerns. :)

Thank you so much for reading!

Mama OF

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