The number 1, most-important consideration for your OnlyFans is safety.

Everyone is typically so focused on how to make more money on OnlyFans.

Without considering the safety measures they need to have in place. 

The world is a dangerous place in general. 

ESPECIALLY in this industry.

You'll find yourself dealing with A-1 weirdos, stalkers, blackmailers, etc.

So let's talk safety.

1) Identity Safety Protocols

It's crucial to consider keeping your identity a mystery.

If you're someone that doesn't mind people finding out who you are, this may not apply to you.

But if you're on the fence at all about this, pick a stage name.

Your stage name doesn't need to relate to your real name in any way.

This makes it so nobody can search your name and find personal information about you.

Why does it matter?

There may be personal information displayed that you aren't aware of on the internet.

When people know your real name, they can do deep searches on you to find this info.

This can lead to stalking, fraud, blackmailing, etc.

This could also potentially put your family at risk. Scammers and stalkers often search for people related to you and target them to get what they want.

2) Location safety

Location safety is another big one.

Be careful when posting content around your home!

If your house/building has any stand-out features such as:

  • Unusual paint colors
  • Background views
  • Certain vehicles
  • Stand-out design

Basically anything that can be recognizable...or stand out on google earth.

It's surprising how ninja-FBI mode these fans can get. Don't underestimate them!

To be safe:

  • Take content in your house, away from recognizable views through windows
  • Take content at other locations such as hotels, airbnb, etc.
  • Avoid taking real-time stories with your location
  • Post vacation areas weeks after you return from trips

Also, expect fans to ask you where you live.

Out of habit, it's easy to give an accurate location by accident. 

To be extra safe, you could use a made-up location! If your location is crucial to your niche or branding, just keep it super broad.

You can even pick a different city within your state.

3) No meet-ups

This may seem obvious but avoid it at all costs!

No matter how supportive or persuasive a fan is, never meet up.

For any amount of money.

This compromises your safety because you don't know if someone is dangerous or not.

Not to mention, talking about meet-ups in general can get your account banned on OF — which is the last thing we want to do.

4) Protect your content

Ah, the dreaded leaks. 

Just know, they will come (if they haven't already).

Some things you can do are:

Watermark your content

If it's going to get leaked, you might as well profit off it, right?

Properly watermarking your content will give you the credit for it.

This also lessens the likelihood of leaks because watermarked content isn't as attractive to scammers. 

Invest in a DMCA takedown service

Investing in a service that scours the internet for leaks and karate-chops them down is pretty cool.

These services cost a fee and a little bit of work to set it up. 

I promise you it's worth it!

Having the piece of mind that someone is by your side, taking down leaks is nice.

Personally, I use ClipSentry. 

And no, I am not an affiliate for them. But I will say, their service has been impeccable thus far.

It is a bit pricy at $150/month and that's their only offering. 

If you can afford it and you're worried about leaks then I'd say it's worth it.

The $150/month membership comes with:

  • Search Engine Removal
  • Keyword/Meta Search
  • Tube, Torrent, File Locker, Social Media, Blog, and Forum Monitoring
  • 24/7 Content Monitoring
  • Image Removal
  • Visual Content ID System and Time Machine Database
  • Specialized Digital Fingerprinting
  • User Friendly Web Portal
  • Real-time DMCA Statistics
  • Unlimited Takedown Requests

Their communication is top-tier as well! I get regular updates on what they've been doing for me. 

Some alternatives that are more cost effective are:

  • Rulta
  • Brandit Scan
  • DMCA Forces

Keep in mind, I have not tried any of these myself.

These are just some recommendations I've come across from other creators.

Let me know if you'd like me to do a deep dive on them all to weigh the pros and cons!

5) Turn off photo/video location

A lot of people don't know about this one!

If you open your settings:

  1. Choose privacy and security
  2. Pick location services
  3. Click camera and toggle 'never'

Other alternatives to this:

  • Screenshot original images before you post them
  • Use a metadata remover application (search on google)

While the average joe might not be tech-savvy enough to find your location through photos, this is an easy way to further protect yourself.

6) Turn on DRM settings on OF to avoid screenshots/screen recording

DRM stands for Digital Rights Management.

This setting makes it harder for buyers of your content to screen record or screenshot.

Keep in mind, this only applies to new content that's uploaded and there are ways around it.

I mean, what can you really expect from OnlyFans's stellar creator support? ;) (That's a joke).

But, any measures in place to make it increasingly difficult for fans to steal content is worth doing. 

7) Block regions/countries

If you're concerned about people within your country/region finding you, this one is for you.

You can actually block entire countries and regions from accessing your OnlyFans account. 

Here's how to do it:

  1. Go to the “Privacy and Safety” section of the Settings page;
  2. Find the “block by country” tab to block users by country and select the country you need;
  3. If you want to block someone by an IP address, then go to “block by the IP address” tab and enter the IP address which you want to block.
  4. When carrying out this process, just press on the save button to finish.

Keep in mind, this isn't 100% fool-proof. It is possible for people in a certain region/country to work their way around this.

But it does offer more protection overall.

8) Faceless creator

Faceless creators make money, too!

Ever niche has it's own pros and cons. You'll face challenges no matter what niche you're in!

Of course, being faceless provides a level of security that's hard to match when you're showing face.

This is for all the creators who work a job and can't risk getting caught or simply just feel uncomfortable revealing their identity.

Keeping your face out of your content keeps you protected in obvious ways!

9) Use face filters

Using face filters make you less recognizable in public.

Now now, I'm not talking about face filters that look ridiculous.

Using the subtle ones that alter your eyes a bit, add freckles, etc. can do the trick.

There are plenty of creators who do this in all of their posts in order to stay incognito in public!

Including me.

Sometimes you'll get fans commenting on your filter usage. I typically just tell them that I use it for security reasons and that does the trick.

...Definitely not because deep down I feel like I look hotter with the filter hehe.

Find one that fits your style and use it!

10) Never give out banking details

I cannot stress how many offers you'll get from fans to send money directly to your bank.

Even though it could be tempting, don't do it!

This puts you at way too much risk.

You're better off using a third party payment application such as:

  • Venmo
  • Cashapp
  • Paypal

Just make sure you have your accounts on private as well.

Also, beware that mentioning these within the OF platform can get your account flagged!

So try to discuss these details outside the OF platform to be safe.

If a fan really wants to support you, they'll send you money wherever you're comfortable receiving it. 

Sometimes there will be fans who are pushy when it comes to sending money through other methods.

Stick to your guns, only allow payments through the safest protocols.

Use 2FA and rotate passwords

Using 2-factor authentication will help to strengthen your login process.

By linking it to your email, anyone who tries to login from a new device will need your approval through email.

This lowers the likelihood of someone hacking your account.

Even if they got ahold of your login details, they'd still need your approval to get in.

Another safety protocol to implement is rotating passwords every 2-3 months.

This is an easy safety measure which decreases the likelihood of someone getting ahold of your account info.

All in all

These are all the safety measures that I've taken into account for my own safety.

Whether you're a new creator in the space or a veteran, be sure to implement as many of these as you can!

It's super easy to get caught up in all the day to day tasks to make more money and overlook safety measures.

Tell me what you think of these and if you already do any of them!

I'd also love to hear any safety tips you practice that I'm missing.

You got this,

Mama OF