Let's talk Reddit profile setups!

Most people focus on content creation and posting strategies.

Don't get me wrong, those are significant. But, what does a user see when they click to your profile?

Your answer is the difference between a new subscriber and a missed opportunity.

We want to treat our profile pages like a product landing page. We want it to convert.

So buckle up, and let's get right into it.

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You want to pick a name that’s close to your OF username to create brand familiarity. 

As you grow your audience, people want to be sure it's the real you on other platforms.

Having matching usernames can do just that. 

It would also be helpful for your username to relate with the types of subreddits you’re going to be posting in. 

For example, if you’re a girl creator posting to girl subreddits, it’s best if your username sounds like a girls name. 

Not u/BillyJoe, or something like that. 

Besides, choosing a generated name also isn’t the best because, well, it’s just very random. 

By no means am I saying this is a death sentence to your beloved Reddit successes. 

But... it doesn’t help if you’re known on Reddit as u/inevitableparking 😅 (coming from me, who was literally given that username when I first started). 

Scenarios for alias usernames

There ARE a few situations where it could make sense to use a different username.


You want to keep your spicy reddit content on the down-down-low.

To where people can't search your OnlyFans username in Reddit and find you. 

While a part of me understands this, I believe you should assume that anything you post on social media will get seen by EVERYONE. 

Unfortunately, this is one of the realities that comes with this type of work. 

So avoid posting anything you would want to be an absolute secret!

Buying accounts

While this isn't something I suggest, I have peers who have purchased aged Reddit accounts with karma. 

It worked totally fine for them.

Going this route will fast-track your progress at the start, because you can post in bigger subreddits much quicker.

Of course, these usernames will be pre-generated. So, they'll be different from your OnlyFans username.

If you decide to take this route, be sure to choose usernames that sound believable. 

If you're a girl, go for the usernames that sound like a girl name.

Also make sure the age of the account makes sense. If you're posting as an 18 year old creator, but the account has a 10 year age, it looks fishy.

Now that you have your account username set up, it’s time to craft the perfect profile page. 

Tip #1: Profile Picture

Use a profile picture instead of an avatar. Avatars are cute, I know. But people don’t relate to avatars, people relate to people. 

Seeing your gorgeous visage in that tiny circle, next to your spotless username, adds a layer of familiarity that will lead to more clicks. 

Make the photo that you use, one that you KNOW people love.

And not just any people, choose the photo your AUDIENCE loves.

Pro tip: Use whichever SFW photo that performed best on your OnlyFans wall. This shows which photo of you, the audience you’re looking to attract, likes the best. 

If you have a brand new OnlyFans without much data, you can use Instagram or any other social media that allows you to see what your top performers are. 

Username, check. Profile pic, check. 

Now, what’s next is to perfect your profile page to translate into leads on your OnlyFans. 

How to make a kick-ass profile page

Reddit has a funny web layout.

All your socials get tossed to the right side of the page in a tiny, little corner under your profile picture. 

Any seasoned-marketer sees this as a no bueno.

We want people to visit your profile and BANG — they know exactly where to find your spicy linky link. 

Ya feel me?

Market your offer

To do this, we can make a new post and title it whatever you have to offer based on your OnlyFans account setup. 

Title examples if you have a free account:

  • My FREE OnlyFans
  • FREE lifetime subscription to my OnlyFans
  • My OnlyFans is FREE

Title examples if you have a paid account:

  • 80% DISCOUNT to my OnlyFans
  • FREE trial to my OnlyFans (10 spots left)
  • 50% OFF my VIP page (5 slots left) 

Now for the body of text, we aren’t gonna drop a cold link there and let it struggle to do the heavy lifting of getting horny redditors over to your page. 

We’re going to add text that highlights what your page has to offer to make viewers want to subscribe to your page. 

This message should be genuine, nichey, and highlight your personality. 

The job of your message here is to get them to read the next line. 

That's all.

The more they invest into reading about you, the higher likelihood they’ll visit your page to see what you’re about. 

As much as I want to put an example of a previous body text I've used, I think it's best for you to be creative.

The effectiveness of good copywriting goes down the more it's used so it's best to be unique anyways!

Now you’ll have to approve this post and pin it to the top of your profile. 

Click the three dots and ‘pin to profile’ to do this. 

Market yourself

We aren’t done just quite yet.

The next thing we will do is make a second post.

This second post serves as a way to market yourself visually. This can be a carousel of 5-6 photos and a caption such as:

  • Which is your favorite of me?
  • You aren’t ready for the 4th picture
  • If you want to see more of me

Anything to get them to engage with the content. 

Once again, we want to put our best performing photos here! 

When you finish this, pin it to your profile as well. 

Market your legitimacy 

The last post we want to make is a simple photo of you holding a piece of paper that has your username on it. 

The title can be something to the effect of, “this is my only Reddit account :)."

This shows the people that you are who you post as, and it legitimizes your account. 

On a platform full of bots, impersonators, etc. building trust with your audience is key! Adding this photo adds that extra layer of certainty to your soon-to-be, fans. 

Remember how I was talking shit about Reddit's profile page layout earlier? 

Well we still want to go ahead and put our links in the ‘add link’ section. 

The more visibility the better. 

This also gives them a chance to follow you on other platforms!

Your bio section

Add a bio that’s short and sweet!

Personally, I’ve found that over-doing it in the bio doesn’t lead to more conversions.

When I keep it short, witty, and sweet I often get the best results. 

Don’t feel the need to oversell yourself either. 

Show your personality to give them a glimpse of who you really are!

You can also add any posts you've had go viral to your pinned posts.

This can show some social proof for your account.

Another strategic pinned post can be positive reviews of your OnlyFans!

There's a subreddit called r/OnlyFansReviews that have actual users review their experience.

Granted that your page has the fans in your best interest, a solid review from there can do wonders!

How to track if this stuff works

Tracking is the most important part. Without this, we won't know what's working.

First you need to set up your tracking link in OnlyFans.

Then, you want to observe the insights on your pinned offer post on Reddit. 

Take the total number of subscribers divided by the total number of views. 

This will give you your conversion rate. Give yourself a week or so before making changes to your profile.

Compare results as you see them!

Account age and karma

Reddit is all too familiar with bots and thus, the algorithm is quite sensitive (and so are the rules) when it comes to brand spankin’ new accounts. 

You might run into some trouble with a new account where it tells you to slow down if you’re doing too much posting or editing all at once. 

It wants to see that you’re behaving like a normal human being (and not a marketing crazed OF goddess) hehe. 

If you’re getting messages that halt your activity levels, don’t worry. It’s totally normal for new accounts. 

Slowly add a few extra actions per day, and as the account ages over time it will lift these limits and allow you to perform more actions daily. 

Normally the older the account age, the less restrictions it has. Thus, it'll perform better.

It’s helpful to create backup accounts just in case.

Have a few on the side that are always aging in case your account ever got hacked or suspended.


By now, you're well on your way to becoming a Reddit GODDESS.

Put time, thought, and love into your profile curation. I can't stress this enough.

Let me know if any of these methods helped you out!

If you're looking for some feedback or help with your profile, feel free to reach out!

You got this,

Mama OF

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